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Post by bitheerani319 »

You may not know it, but Facebook is much more than just a social network where you can share messages and photos with friends. With Facebook, you can promote your business (and your products) through the powerful marketing tools it offers. Facebook recently launched a new resource center: “Facebook for Business”.

In this hub, you can learn how Facebook products can be used to grow your business and your customer community. In Facebook for Business, you’ll find step-by-step tutorials and best practices for creating pages, ads, sponsored stories, and more.

Check out a little about each of these tools below.

:Business pages are spaces for interacting with your company's "fans", or rather, it's possible to create a community of people who like your company (or your products). In addition, with business pages, also buy realtor email list as "fan pages", it's possible to meet new potential customers, that is, Facebook pages allow you to connect with potential customers and direct traffic to your business, it's also possible to create ads, polls, promotions and special pages. Don't forget, don't create personal profiles for companies, as you run the risk of being banned from Facebook or having your profile suspended. The ads part is the most interesting, as it's highly targeted. With Facebook ads, you can reach exactly the people you want with ads that allow you to target by age, location, interests and more.

“Sponsored Stories” are advertisements for your business with stories, promoting organic interactions between people. This feature is a way to amplify word of mouth, without it looking like an advertisement. Facebook also offers plug-ins (platforms), which allow you to transform your website into a social experience, with customized plug-ins and applications, such as the “like” button, social plug-ins (friends network), among others…

You can check out some of these features here on the Six website (on the side and at the top of all pages), in addition to the options for sharing content with your friends.
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