Specifically, I am talking about three key words: Mario Conde and It's that simple. With those three key words (which are actually two) I got 1,000 unique visits to the blog this Sunday...
Confused? I'll explain how it happened in this post and chinese thailand data you'll see how a little SEO and a little coincidence in life make it possible for you to find 1,000 people on any given Sunday who were looking for Mario Conde's Blog and ended up reading Germán's Blog.
It all started a few months ago when I published a post about the presentation of the book “La palabra y el TAO” by Mario Conde and his publishing house (Editorial Séneca). Later, and as Mr. Conde’s professional career has always interested me, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the intervention of Banesto by the Bank of Spain, I published a new post entitled “15 years of the intervention of Banesto – Mario Conde” which was basically very condensed information about the Banesto case in these years, always trying to show it from an impartial point of view…..

In summary, both posts show relevant information about the keywords they include, mainly Mario Conde. I also always have the habit of including the URL of his blog as a keyword if the person I quote in the post has a personal blog, so I included in both posts. That tag was the reason for attracting the famous 1,000 visits, but how?
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Very simple! Below I will give you some background information on what motivated the famous keyword to come into action.