Optimize the effectiveness of your responsive design email campaigns

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Optimize the effectiveness of your responsive design email campaigns

Post by sourovk291 »

Two very simple tools can improve your responsive design email campaign: anchors and telephone links.

Smartphones are slowly invading every aspect of our lives. Email marketers who fail to keep up with this accelerating trend will end up losing a lot of prospects. On the other hand, savvy email marketers know how to adjust the content of their campaigns to this new reality.

Newsletter Responsive Design

There are a wide range of tools that will allow you to evolve your content towards responsive design. These include advanced analytics tools and templates optimized for mobile viewing.

However, there is one aspect that is often overlooked: the insertion of clickable links for mobiles.

Inserting links to websites, landing pages or email addresses is a given today. However greece telegram there are two other types of links that are worth considering for your responsive design campaign, especially if it is read on mobile.

Insert anchors in your responsive design email campaigns
No matter how long your professional newsletter or landing page is, it will always appear too long on your mobile, because the screen is much narrower than that of your PC, and each line contains far fewer characters. Thanks to responsive design, the display of your content will be optimally adapted to all types of screens, and reading your newsletter will be all the more pleasant.

But what if you just have one call-to-action button and it’s located at the very bottom of your newsletter?

Look at the example of the newsletter below. It is successful, however it is very long and may discourage some people: inserting anchors with a table of contents would allow for more targeted navigation.

And the call-to-action button for downloading the app is located at the very bottom.

Emailing Responsive Design

The reader is forced to read the entire newsletter before they can take action, and you can lose them along the way. Anchors are designed to avoid this pitfall.

Anchors will allow you to take your readers to the specific area you want to direct them to.

Why are anchors essential?
You can create a table of contents at the very beginning of your newsletter or landing page , with, for example, clickable subheadings that take your reader directly to the content that interests them.
Instead of inserting your web signup form at the very top of your content, insert a “signup” button at the very top, which will take your readers directly to the signup area at the bottom of your content.
Similarly, at the very bottom of your newsletter, consider inserting a Back to Top button, so readers can easily navigate back to the beginning of your newsletter.
Speed ​​dial, directly from your campaign
Many email campaigns include phone numbers for sales or technical support. If you’re using responsive design for improved mobile reading, make life even easier for your readers by including a clickable link to a phone number that can be dialed automatically, directly from your campaign. This will save your readers the hassle of having to manually dial the phone number.

Make sure your readers know that this clickable link exists, otherwise they won't use it, especially if the link is inserted on images that aren't the phone number itself.

A bonus for links: triggering automatic actions
Trigger links trigger actions automatically when someone clicks on a link. This is an automatic marketing trigger service , which you only need to program once. This marketing action will be triggered for each click.

When the reader clicks on a trigger link, the system can perform the following actions:

Subscribe a reader to a specific mailing list.
Remove a reader from a mailing list
Send another campaign to the reader
Update personal information
Send the person's information to an email address, for example that of a salesperson
Remove the player from all mailing lists.
Add a reader to the “Do Not Send” group

Make sure to make Responsive Design even more effective!
Your email marketing software needs to continually evolve. Adapt your marketing efforts constantly if you want to stay in the race.

When you create a newsletter, make sure that you have taken advantage of all the new technical possibilities available to you, particularly in terms of responsive design, which will make your newsletter a cutting-edge newsletter!
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