B2B: Why enrich your CRM data?

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B2B: Why enrich your CRM data?

Post by taslimakhatun119 »

In B2B, having a CRM is a considerable asset for managing customer relations and ensuring collaboration between your teams. This database centralizes all the strategic information on your prospects and customers. It contains their personal data, as well as a history of their interactions with your company.

While its features are more or less advanced depending on the software chosen, CRM is the foundation of your strategy. All the data it contains must serve your objectives. To do this, it is essential that they are accurate and up to date.

In order to address relevant offers and content to the right target, you need to have access to a solid and reliable file. Thus, it is essential to ensure that it is usable, and this, in the long term, to maximize your commercial performance. This is where CRM data enrichment comes in.

Essential in B2B, enriching your CRM data contributes to the success korea telegram data your marketing and sales campaigns. We explain in detail why.

CRM data enrichment for Data Quality
Collecting data on your prospects and customers is useless if it is incorrect, outdated or even fake. The reliability of the information in your CRM ensures the performance of your marketing actions . Otherwise, they would not only be ineffective, but also costly: the return on investment would be low, or even zero.

To overcome this risk, it is essential to use CRM data enrichment. This allows you to verify and complete the information in your existing database. You can thus keep your customer file up to date and qualitatively expand your prospecting file.

Data enrichment aims to collect all the information essential to your B2B strategy. The more relevant and reliable data your CRM contains, the easier it is to implement effective campaigns, with a satisfactory ROI. CRM data enrichment is therefore at the service of Data Quality (also called data quality management).

What is Data Quality?
Data Quality is a key topic in B2B prospecting. It refers to a company's ability to manage its data sustainably so that it can be used for marketing and sales purposes. Data quality management thus contributes to optimizing the conversion process .

Your prospects and customers move, they change jobs, they have children, they discover new interests… All the information you hold is subject to change. Consequently, if you do not maintain your CRM file, you risk accumulating inaccurate and, in fact, unusable data .

Enriching CRM data means ensuring that it remains usable. The better the quality, the more valuable it is for your business. Therefore, a Data Quality approach involves checking that the data is:

Complete (do you have all the information needed for lead nurturing ?)
Accurate (do they contain, for example, syntax errors?)
Valid (is the contact information correct?)
Consistent (does the information in your CRM match with any other databases you may have?)
Current (when was the data updated?)
Enrich CRM data to better qualify your leads
Alongside Data Quality, enriching CRM data also allows you to validate the relevance of your prospecting file, as well as your communication actions.

On the one hand, data enrichment allows you to verify that your BtoB prospects correspond to the profiles of your target segments . This assumes that the latter are clearly defined (you can rely on the creation of marketing personas ). You are thus certain of the quality of your leads, which has a positive impact on your conversion rate.

On the other hand, with an enriched database, it is easier to refine the targeting of your marketing actions . This also helps to ensure their profitability. The more information you have on your prospects, the more you are able to send them relevant content. Your campaigns then prove to be more effective and more favorable to lead nurturing .

CRM data enrichment is then used to optimize the sales funnel. This implies that you master it and know all the key stages of conversion (downloading a white paper, starting a trial period, making an appointment online, etc.). You can thus feed your CRM with relevant data (which varies according to the specificities of your offer) for lead qualification.
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