Everything you need to know about WhatsApp's new API

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Everything you need to know about WhatsApp's new API

Post by mdsojolh43 »

What will the WhatsApp API enable businesses to do?
WhatsApp is working with major brands like Booking, Uber and Singapore Airlines to create apps that can send information about products or services, boarding passes and even delivery updates.

In addition to features such as image, video and audio support, the new API will also give businesses the ability to set up business profiles. These profiles can include an address, description, contact details and a link to a website.

WhatsApp's API supports two-way chat interactions, so customer service interactions can take place in a familiar and comfortable environment, without the need to use a live chat service hosted on a web page.

What opportunities does the WhatsApp API open up for businesses?
In its current form, the WhatsApp Business API won't radically change the way businesses communicate with their customers.

If you currently send delivery updates via email and/or SMS, for example, you will also have the option to send this information via WhatsApp.

How can businesses encourage customers to “take the first step” on WhatsApp?
Businesses will have to ask their customers for permission before contacting them via WhatsApp. SMS with a registration link will be perfect to take this first step.

Once the initial contact is initiated by a customer, can businesses continue to proactively send messages on WhatsApp?
Like Facebook Messenger's API, WhatsApp has limited a brand's ability to send proactive messages.

A brand will only be able to send a message to a recipient within 24 hours panama whatsapp list of their last contact. However, there is an exception to this rule for pre-defined templates, which must be approved by WhatsApp.

So, for alerts and notifications, a business will likely be able to continue sending them, but with the benefit of offering a wider choice of communication to its customers.

Is this new API only for large companies?
No, not at all. In fact, many small and medium-sized businesses may be able to send rich messages faster than larger businesses.

Businesses without developers may find it more convenient to use the WhatsApp for Business app rather than the API, but this does not limit the use and application of the platform.

How will Esendex help customers interested in rich messaging, especially WhatsApp?
To enable our customers to use the latest communication channels, we have launched our next-generation professional messaging platform: Studio .

Studio supports the creation of rich content messages using SMS, RCS and, in the near future, WhatsApp. Our customers will create their messages in Studio, and then the platform will take care of sending them to the recipient via the most suitable channel.
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