Those who produce plugins and those who manage WordPress updates do not work in a single environment and that is why it is always necessary to check that you have the latest version of plugins , so as to be greece phone number sure that the update goes hand in hand with the steps that the platform takes. A general piece of advice, which can avoid many problems at the root: keep on your WordPress site only the plugins and elements that you actually use.
In an ideal situation, there should be no need to change anything in the structure of your WordPress-built site.
But when things change sometimes it is necessary to resort to redirects . Until not long ago there was only the one identified by the number 301. More recently the code 308 was added. 308 and 301 both identify a type of redirect but they are not completely superimposable and are not interchangeable , also because otherwise we would all simply continue to use only the code 301.
Let's see what situations it is better to choose one code rather than the other and when you should do something else.
When we talk about error codes, the one that immediately comes to mind is the 404 error . The error that is generated when Google has indexed a page that is then actually deleted from the site on which it should be located. Managing the 404 error is delicate but not difficult.
But there is not only this type of error obviously. Two other very important codes are 308 and 301. The code that we could define as historical is the 301. This is the way in which a website signals to any search engine , for example Google, that a URL has been permanently transferred to another position.
Compared to the status code 301, the code 308 is newer and does not yet have the same type of support. It has its uses but may not be the best choice. Going into detail, let's start with the 301, the most used code.