How do you measure the results of your campaign? Do you perform media checking on your radio campaigns? In this blog, we will show you how to recover your financial investment in radio advertising.
Where does the financial loss in radio campaigns come from?
First of all, we need to emphasize what financial loss is. Financial loss does not only occur when you invest in a radio ad and it does not convert into customers or sales, because you must consider that the ad also provides visibility for your company. But how do you know that you are getting the visibility you contracted for?
Financial losses come from ads that are not aired, which occur due to failures in campaign logistics. When radio was invented 100 years ago, no one imagined that it would be possible to monitor ads in real time without having to actively listen to the radio.
The traditional way of distributing materials, by email or WhatsApp australia phone number for whatsapp does not guarantee that they will be received and downloaded. What must be clear is that the radio station contracted wants to broadcast its material and do everything according to the contract. Losses occur due to failures in the logistics of this process, for example, the station does not receive the material by email, the message to change spots does not arrive, there is a problem downloading the audio piece, among others...
The main cause may be the lack of an effective channel for centralizing these processes that guarantees reliability.
It is in this radio campaign logistics process that we want to make a difference. We are advocates of radio! We believe that radio does make a difference and for many companies it is one of the main communication vehicles. To this end, we deliver a complete technological radio management platform.
How to recover possible insertion losses?
With the traditional method, it is almost impossible to guarantee that your campaign will not suffer losses. Imagine the following: You have hired more than 30 radio stations to broadcast different spots. Will you listen to all of them 24 hours a day to identify your audios, or will you contact each one, asking for proof of broadcast?
To carry out all this operational work, you can count on the Audiency platform. Having transparency in contact with each broadcaster and monitoring the performance of your campaign in real time is all possible. We operate precisely where logistical errors occur: in distribution, and we monitor the execution of your campaign in real time. In addition, we work with a support team that contacts each broadcaster in your radio campaign to recover the investment in your radio campaigns.
The data generated in the reports is transformed into information to direct investments in new advertising campaigns.
To give you a chance to try it out, we’ve launched a free trial of the platform. Click on the link below and perform a free diagnosis of an active campaign or even one that has already ended and get a complete performance report.