This law seeks to allow companies and employees to temporarily suspend contracts, but not to lose the employment relationship. In other words, employers will continue to pay contributions, but the salary will be paid - at a percentage that will vary as the months go by - from the unemployment insurance of each worker.
What is the Employment Protection Act?
It allows workers, without terminating their contract, to have access to the benefits of this singapore phone number list Unemployment Insurance when acts of the authority - such as quarantine or company closures - prevent the worker from providing his or her services.

Who does it benefit?
Workers who pay into unemployment insurance and domestic workers who are affected by this situation.
What alternatives does this law offer?
Suspension of the employment contract by act of authority.
Suspension agreement of the employment contract.
Agreement on temporary reduction of working hours.
Where do I apply?
Workers do NOT have to complete any paperwork. It is the employer who must complete the application process with the corresponding institution:
I. In the case of suspension of the contract of dependent workers, the procedure must be carried out at the AFC.
*To do this, you must complete the following steps:
Go to the website
Log in with the same username and password you use to access the Previred portal.
Download and read the instructions to complete all the data requested in the form for workers.
Select the suspension modality, by agreement with the workers, act or declaration of the authority.
Complete and digitally sign the affidavit.
Wait for the response, which you will receive within a maximum of 4 business days.
II. In the event of a reduction in working hours, the Department of Labour must be contacted.
What obligations does the employer have?
The employer must continue paying the social security and health contributions of its employees.
*Check out the following explanatory video: