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The Spanish Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing changes its name

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:57 am
by RafiRiFat336205
The Spanish Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing is changing its name and will be called the “digital economy association”, with the support of major operators (Telefonica, Vodafone, etc.) and associates.

A committee of experts delegated by the Assembly will define the statutes, legal scope and economic structure on which the future Association will be based.

According to information published by the advertising program , the Spanish Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing (Fecemd), which held an Extraordinary Assembly yesterday, October 29, approved all country mobile number list the launch of a project aimed at transforming this organization (formed by the Spanish Contact Center Association, the Spanish Association of Electronic Commerce and Relational Marketing, the Association of Direct and Interactive Marketing Agencies, the Spanish Fundraising Association and the Spanish Distance Selling Association) into a single association called the Spanish Association of the Digital Economy.

FECEMD, made up of 355 Spanish companies, aims to respond to the changes that the economic and business environment has experienced in recent years, in the convergence towards the digital sphere. It also aims to become one of the sector's benchmarks in the institutional field, to be a channel of information and knowledge for its representatives, to defend their interests and to provide the necessary training to those professionals involved in everything that involves the digital economy.

Its objectives include supporting and guiding member companies in the digital revolution, through training, advice and information on all aspects that affect the Digital Economy. It also helps them to take advantage of the Internet as a sales channel. It acts as an interlocutor with public and private institutions on all issues that affect the Digital Economy. It encourages networking among members, taking advantage of the multi-sectoral nature of the Association and shared knowledge.