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Definitions to guide an experiential marketing strategy

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:25 am
by RafiRiFat336205
Companies must understand the cultural and sociological environment in which their consumers operate.
We need to reach a certain socio-economic and demographic target for the strategy to achieve commercial objectives. But within that target, only a portion will have a profile that matches the experience offered.
They must create a strategy with the type of experiences that can have a positive impact on them, defining why it is a valuable action for the brand and how we are going to carry it out.
It is important to evaluate brand elements to create a coherent image across all experience-generating points. This can lead to a redesign of the elements if it is impossible to adapt them to the strategy.
Connecting brand values ​​with emotions. Emotions and feelings are essential to an experience, but these must be linked to the values ​​that the brand has within its philosophy. There would be no point in creating an impactful moment if it does not facilitate the positioning of the messages that the brand communicates to its target audiences.
It will be necessary to create a feedback channel to listen to consumers. The objective is not only to listen to what they say in words, but also to what they convey to us with their actions.
It is necessary to develop relationships with consumers in order to exploit the bonds created through experiences. These relationships must be carefully planned so that they do not oppose the effect achieved by the message.
We need to spread the message. The massification of the campaign is essential; it is essential to have a plan for disseminating the strategy that includes public relations so that it generates news. When an experiential marketing campaign is carried out whose impact remains with the people who participated directly, it does not have the expected result, so the news of the experience that was carried out must be spread.
Diagramming an experiential event

A correct layout of the event will guide the consumer all mobile company name list through key points that provide value. This value, associated with the correct audiovisual stimuli, will generate a positive emotion in the consumer, the feeling that they now possess something that they lacked before, for example: information, experiences, anecdotes, etc.

We must plan the event by placing the less pleasant moments, such as paying or filling out forms, as far away from the final moment as possible.

We need to create a period of anticipation between the moment of contact with the brand and the moment of experience. The human tendency is to anticipate in a positive way and we can take advantage of that.

We must balance situations of discomfort with situations of pleasure, to ensure that each moment of frustration has a compensation that reduces its effect.

The strategy should allow consumers to choose from a range of options so that they feel in control of the situation.

It is also recommended to associate the positive moments of the experience with consumer rituals that allow the consumer to reconnect with emotions through them.