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5 Mistakes You're Making That Are Refreshing Your Leads

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:02 am
by sourovk291
“It’s great that a lot of leads came in yesterday, but they’re not of high enough quality and no contracts have been signed.” It’s hard to find a CMO who hasn’t heard this statement from the organization’s sales manager at least twice a week. Not only is it very difficult to get hot leads these days (here, 20 came in yesterday!), but also to make sure they’re qualified? Who’s really responsible for that?

Let’s start with the end: about 80% of your leads will never convert. There are many reasons why: confused or regretful web users, those who arrived by mistake, a poorly planned customer journey or a competitor who wants to collect information. Only a small percentage of leads are in fact known to go through a stage on the way to closing the deal belgium telegram and in them, it is important to invest and quickly. However, despite the above data, many marketers insist on “killing” live leads with a series of bad decisions, first of all by not using an effective and fast lead nurturing mechanism . After all, this is precisely what marketing automation software exists for : to accompany web users who have shown interest in the brand until the moment they become customers.

Mistakes that kill your prospects:

Table of Contents
Mistake #1: You don’t know your customers well enough
Mistake #2: Marketing and Sales Don’t Speak the Same Language
Mistake #3: You arrive at the sale too quickly
Mistake #4: You are not multichannel
Mistake #5: You delay
Mistake #1: You don’t know your customers well enough
This is too early a stage for mistakes to occur, and they are still being made during the planning of the advertising campaign and the selection of messages. No matter how good the product, how strong the brand, or how affordable the price, a deep understanding of potential customers is essential to the success of the campaign . To understand exactly what motivates customers, it is recommended that every marketer ask themselves what is their biggest problem? What solution are they looking for? And how do they want to communicate with the brand? Creating a clear marketing persona will go a long way in finding answers to these questions.

Mistake #2: Marketing and Sales Don’t Speak the Same Language
One of the common problems in medium and large companies. Marketing promises, glorifies, magnifies, praises and glorifies but at the end there is a sales rep across the line who is selling and does not really understand what ad the customer has seen and what it says. The lack of total synergy between the marketing and sales departments could harm the quality of leads and hurt revenue. Therefore, it is recommended to create an effective and common customer journey for both departments and ensure that the buying experience is maintained throughout.

Mistake #3: You arrive at the sale too quickly
The lead nurturing step is important and should not be ignored even if the customer is ready to convert. The reason is that to make him an ambassador and recommend the product, it is recommended to give him valuable content over time and keep it relevant . Building a positive relationship with customers takes time and in most cases, directly contacting new customers with a commercial offer will be perceived as aggressive. They are simply not ready for it. Therefore, the ideal is to create marketing automation scenarios by sending them videos, articles, catalogs that will strengthen their level of trust. Studies speak of 6 to 8 interface points before starting to sell. It seems like a lot, but it happens, the conversion rate increases by more than 20%. So do not hesitate to mix marketing automation and lead nurturing for qualified leads!

Mistake #4: You are not multichannel
Surfers will not give you a discount. They will contact you through a Facebook comment, a personal message on Messenger, a WhatsApp message, a contact form, pick up the phone at the secretary and this is only a partial list. Now make sure that each channel is connected to the CRM and knows how to transfer up-to-date data on each customer in real time. When the salesperson offers a mobile plan to a customer who was interested in a TV plan because the system did not record the last call, this is a wake-up call.

Mistake #5: You delay
Don’t keep them waiting. If possible, respond immediately. If not, make sure the prospect receives an automatic response through marketing automation informing them that you will get back to them as soon as you are available. Leads that don’t respond not only go cold and disappear, but they also send a clear message to the audience: the customer is not really important to us right now.

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