Influencer Marketing: Personalize Contact to Boost Your Brand

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Influencer Marketing: Personalize Contact to Boost Your Brand

Post by sourovk291 »

In recent years, digital innovations have led to the rise of e-commerce and have caused the supply of products and services on the market to explode. By providing consumers with choice, they have become more selective, demanding and impatient in their purchasing process.

The influencer, spokesperson for the brand
When a consumer wants to make a purchase, consulting their entourage or the opinions of Internet users has become a reflex. With the emergence of social networks, another criterion impacts their purchasing behavior: the feedback from the influencer. 75% of Internet users have purchased a product after reading the content of an influencer who has aroused an emotion in them. The more the brand is humanized through content, the more likely the consumer will be to buy the product that has appealed to them.

Brands therefore have every interest in developing their relationships with france telegram phone number list them in order to make them more sustainable. How? By attracting their attention with exclusive offers, personalized products and services and by sticking perfectly to their interests.

Present on various social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat) and on the blogosphere, they generate content (written, video, photo) mainly based on their experiences.

They therefore maintain a special relationship with their subscribers with whom they share their daily lives and impressions. At the same time, influencers would have a hard time existing without the brands they buy, whose products they receive and on which they base a large part of their content. They also maintain an increasingly close relationship with the brands that directly inform them of their new products.

Influencers are just as important for brands because they represent a means of communication in their own right when they wish to target a specific audience in order to promote their products and/or services, to gain proximity, visibility, credibility and this, with the aim of engaging them in an act of purchase and/or building loyalty.

They are therefore constantly solicited (1 to 3 times per week on average) by a multitude of brands for specific operations, sometimes paid, in order to communicate their point of view to their communities. According to a study conducted by Cision , only 27% of influencers respond to all the proposals they receive.

Influencer activation: an approach that must be personalized
In order to successfully collaborate with an influencer, it is important to offer them products/services that are interesting to them, but also to take into consideration their editorial line while personalizing the message you send them, without over-soliciting them. Brands must understand a multitude of criteria if they want to establish a partnership and achieve their visibility and engagement objectives.

One way to establish a connection with an influencer is activation via emailing, that is to say, contacting them by email with the aim of transmitting information and engaging them through various operations (invitations to events, testing of suitable products or services).

Contact, a key criterion for the influencer
The product offered, the DNA and the values ​​of the brand are the first two elements taken into account by the influencer in the context of a partnership. However, the third non-negligible criterion for the influencer remains the way of making contact.

With this in mind, it is mandatory for the brand to pay attention to how it approaches the influencers with whom it wishes to collaborate in order to reap the most positive results possible.

Indeed, an influencer approached more “personally”, and for specific operations, will experience the contact in a more pleasant, more human way and will feel privileged.

A personalized contact will allow you to obtain more consideration from the recipient but will also increase the chances (depending on the type of request) that the information will be relayed by the influencer to their community; in addition, it will also humanize the brand in their eyes.

Personalizing your emails means increasing your response rate!
Carrying out an email campaign without personalization and segmentation and distributing it to a list of influencers means taking the risk that the message will get lost in an ocean of other solicitations that the influencer pays the price for on a daily basis. It is therefore more effective to establish several personalized emails based on:

Personal information you hold about the influencer
From the time the email was sent (day, time)
The content of the request (subject of the email + visual)
All these elements taken into consideration allow an increase in the conversion rate, opening rate and also the click rate.

The growing number of influencers on the various social networks represents a real opportunity for brands to gain proximity and visibility with their targets. Influencer marketing is gaining momentum in the strategy of brands wishing to emerge and generate sales. It is therefore essential for them to be in contact with these prescribers.

However, it is important to be well informed about the relevance of your influence before launching an email campaign that will not generate any ROI.

To find out the latest news on influence communication, visit the blog!
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