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More Everyday Business Slang, Acronyms

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:19 am
by zihadhosenjm90
More Everyday Business Slang, Acronyms and Abbreviations
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Business Slang, Acronyms, Abbreviations Flashcards
78. FTW: For the Win.
This one has slowly made it’s way over from gaming, made before a buy dominican republic number database play. Now it’s used for anything you’re winning at in life.

79. IDK: I Don’t Know.
The next time someone shoots you a question over Slack, and you don’t have any idea what the answer is, send them back a quick IDK. Save those thumb muscles for something more important, like video games obviously.

80. IDC: I Don’t Care.
Slightly more rude than IDK, only send this business slang to people who won’t take it personally (or seriously).

81. CYA: Cover Your Ass.
Terms and Conditions, liability waivers, all that stuff is to CYA. Or rather, your company’s ass.

82. CYA: See ya.
Believe it or not, this one has a double meaning, so context is going to be your clue here. If your buddy says CYA at the end of a conversation, it’s probably this one.

83. IIRC: If I Remember Correctly.
If you’re pretty sure you have something right but don’t want to be quoted on it, preface it with this business slang term, IIRC to CYA (cover ya ass).

84. K: Okay.
This is the sassier and pettier version of OK, letting the recipient know just how little time you want to put into your response. At the same time, this business slang implies that you still passive-aggressively agree to whatever they said.

85. NM: Not Much.
What do you have on your plate at the moment? NM. How much progress have you made on the quarterly reports? NM. How much would you care if you got fired? NM, clearly.

86. W/: With.
Use this w/ emails, texts, and whatever else you want. Just please don’t say “w slash” out loud.

87. W/O: Without.
Same as the above, throw this in whenever you want to save your keyboard the wear and tear from five extra letters.

88. WTH: What The Hell.
HR forwards you all an email about the new stricter dress code policy—you shoot a message to your coworkers with this business slang, throwing in a WTH?? They’ll get it.