Continuous Transaction Control in Europe and the World: A Composite Picture

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Continuous Transaction Control in Europe and the World: A Composite Picture

Post by nurmohammadkhan »

In Latin American countries that have implemented Continuous Transaction Control systems for years now, the interventions of the competent authorities are mainly focused on refining these tools to increase their benefits and facilitate their strategic use , not only to reduce the VAT gap, but also to transform them into effective economic levers.

Many countries in this area (such as Mexico, Chile and Ecuador) have used CTC systems namibia whatsapp resource to make it easier to levy and then collect VAT on supplies of digital products and services such as website hosting, e-learning platforms, gig and sharing economy services, data processing services, automated technical and administrative support and many other activities.

Furthermore, they have imposed the same reporting obligations on all platforms that act as simple intermediaries between the user and the supplier of goods and services.

However, in the digital context, most of the revenue comes from the direct sale of services or products to final consumers: for this reason, many countries in the area have started to use CTC systems to control the activities of suppliers, both national and international, without having to require the involvement of third parties.
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