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Google Adwords: The main performance indicators.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:09 am
by bithee975
When your company is advertising on Google Adwords and we talk about performance indicators, the first thing that comes to mind is how many sales were made, right? But the question is: Is this the only result identifier?

In truth no!

It may happen that you have a campaign with good uk business email database free but it is not yet converting into sales. Analyzing these numbers and finding out why the results are not happening is the secret to this story of advertising on Google.


There are several indicators in a Google Adwords campaign that can increase your results. Monitoring these indicators and taking steps to improve them will certainly increase your profitability.

Results Indicators
Results Indicators
Cost Per Click
This is the assessment of how much you pay for each click you receive. It is undoubtedly one of the main performance indicators and one of the main points to start optimizing your campaigns.

I will explain a little about the importance of this metric.

Let's think about your campaign:

You have 1,000 clicks per month at a cost of R$100. Now consider that if you reduce your CPC by 20%, you could increase visits to your website by 250. This adds up to a total of 1,250 clicks in the campaign, i.e., a 25% greater chance of sales.

There are several ways to reduce this cost and the main one is by increasing the quality score of your website and your ads.

CTR (Click Through Rate)
CTR is the relationship between the number of times your ad appears to the public and, in those appearances, how many times it is clicked.

This number represents many things; the higher it is, the more interesting it is for your campaign. With good performance in this parameter, it is possible to reduce your cost per click. Factors such as appeal and audience targeting greatly influence this point.

CTR is an indicator of whether your ads are actually interesting to your audience.

Conversion Rate
This is the relationship between the people who visit your website and how many of them perform the desired action, which could be a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, accessing a certain area of ​​the website, etc. You are the one who determines what a conversion is for your campaign.

This is undoubtedly the most striking piece of information. When there are many campaigns, looking at the ones that perform best and replicating strategies for the others may be the best option. It is possible to focus on specific campaigns that convert the most to increase these numbers.

Quality Index
This value is based on various information about your campaign, such as CTR, Bounce Rate, User Experience, Page Content, among others. At this point, campaign optimization work is very important, in addition to SEO work on landing pages.

Bounce Rate
This value is obtained by integrating your website with Google Analytics. It represents the percentage of people who entered your website and left on the same page. You can analyze this value for each page on your website, thus seeing which ones have the highest bounce rates and making possible corrections to them. If you increase the quality of your website and reduce the bounce rate, it means that there are more people interested in the content on your website, be it products, texts, promotions, etc.

There are other performance indicators to be analyzed, but we can consider these the main ones. Optimizing campaigns and learning how to read these results to know what actions to take is not that simple. It is important to rely on people and companies certified by Google itself to run your campaigns and obtain the best possible results, optimizing your investments.