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What You Need in a Digital Marketing Package

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:34 am
by fatimahislam
A complete digital marketing package is the sales juggernaut for most agencies.

But it is quite common that, during negotiations, the client and agency end up reducing some services here and there to lower the price or because the client is not yet ready to start all the services offered.

And we're telling you this as an agency that sells these digital marketing packages: choosing what you need in your strategy based solely on price isn't the best idea.

The digital marketing package you purchase needs to have the right products for your needs.

In this text, we will separate the various digital online russian phone number marketing services that a package brings, and talk in more detail about each of them.

This way, you will be able to better understand what is absolutely necessary and what can be left for the future when hiring an agency.

First of all: what types of services do agencies offer?
Before we start talking about digital marketing packages, we need to talk about the types of services that agencies usually offer.

This will be important for two reasons: firstly, because throughout the text, we will talk mainly about digital marketing, and we will not have much space for topics such as offline and outbound marketing in general.


Typically, digital marketing agencies offer the following services:

Inbound Marketing as a whole: creation of relationship rules, creation of the inbound strategy, content marketing and optimization for SEO, email marketing, SEM, etc.;
Offline Outbound Marketing: billboards, folders, events, commercials, ABM strategies, cold calling , installation of sales CRM, etc.;
Performance Marketing: configuring Google Ads and Facebook Ads, targeting audiences, creating campaigns, monitoring results;
Internal Marketing: campaigns for the sales area, institutional campaigns, company events, etc.;

Launch Marketing: digital product development, landing page creation, marketing strategy, etc.;
Among other more specific services, but these are normally the main ones offered by agencies to their clients.

Most digital marketing packages, however, are related to the first two items: Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing.

And this text will focus on them.

But if you need a reminder of what these two concepts are, follow the next two items as they will help you a lot.

And if you already know what they are, feel free to go straight to the next topic, ok?

What is Inbound Marketing?

In today's digital marketing, Inbound Marketing is the most sold service package by agencies.

Inbound Marketing, or Attraction Marketing, is primarily concerned with putting people in contact with your brand, for their subsequent conversion into leads, which eventually turn into sales.

This contact usually happens with the help of Content Marketing, both on social media and on YouTube and Google, through your SEO-optimized blog and rich materials.

Attraction Marketing works in a very simple way. First, you will build your Sales Funnel and identify your target audience, determining content strategies that make sense for each stage and each persona.

Then you will produce this material and offer conversion opportunities.

For example: this text you are reading is from Top of the Funnel. Throughout the reading, I am indicating links to e-books that you need to provide your contact information to download.

When you leave your contact information, you become a lead, which will be worked on by the marketing and sales teams until you make a purchase.

This is the central idea of ​​Inbound Marketing: distributing baits and conversion opportunities to attract people who don't know your brand , but who are looking for your services.

It is completely different from another strategy, Outbound Marketing. More on that now:

What is Outbound Marketing?
If Inbound is about attraction, Outbound seeks to take your brand to your potential customers mainly through advertisements.

In offline marketing, these ads are the classics that we already know: TV commercials, flyers, billboards, events, etc.

In digital marketing, the Outbound strategy works mainly in paid media: Meta Ads, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, e-commerce Ads, and so on.

Inbound Marketing does not advertise, while Outbound Marketing lives mainly off of them.

The main advantage of Outbound Marketing is that it solves the biggest frustration of those who work with Inbound: short-term results.

Inbound strategies are quite consistent in the long term, but their results mainly lie there. It is very difficult to have any kind of results before the first two quarters of operation.

With Outbound, it’s quite different. You can start a sprint today to create ads and launch them, and before the sprint debriefing meeting , you’ll already be seeing the first results.

The biggest drawback of Outbound is the constant investment. The more money you put into your campaigns, the more results you will get, and the opposite is true: the less you put into your campaigns, the fewer results you will get.

And if you stop your Outbound strategy completely, the results will simply disappear overnight — no ads, no results.

This doesn't happen with Inbound Marketing: the results you get with the investments you make last for years and years.

So everything okay so far?

We understand what services agencies typically provide, and what their most popular packages are — Inbound and Outbound Marketing.

But now we need to talk more about what exactly are the services that these digital marketing packages need to have.

And that's what we're going to talk about now. Let's go together?

Digital Marketing Package for Inbound Marketing: What can't be missing?

First, let's talk about the digital marketing package focused entirely on Inbound.

This strategy involves a lot of details, and it is quite common for clients to want to cut some costs here and there.

While I understand this need, some costs cannot be cut at all.

An Inbound Marketing strategy has some elements that are practically mandatory: without them, you will either have fewer results or even invalidate the investment in the agency!

But of course: since I don't know you and your agency, reader, here we're going to talk mainly in absolutes.

A Lead Nurturing strategy, for example, is essential for Inbound Marketing to work. But you may already have qualified personnel to put it into practice.