It will be held in Madrid on the initiative of the Castellón Convention Bureau of the Interior with the aim of communicating the benefits of working in a relaxed environment.
Confronting stress. This is the objective with which the Castellón Convention Bureau of Interior (CBI) proposes to celebrate the Day of the Stressed Entrepreneur on January 17, thus trying to alleviate one of the most common causes of professional discomfort today.
To this end, the CBI will set up a relaxation area in the heart of Madrid's financial centre where stressed executives, businessmen, section heads, area directors and all those affected by the stigma of the 21st century , aggravated even more by the context of the economic crisis, will be treated. The CBI will invite those affected to chinese overseas america data have a linden tea, let off steam by hitting punching bags or relax by receiving a massage from a team of professionals .
Work stress in Spain.
According to experts at Grant Thornton , a leading global labour auditing firm, in the International Business Report (IBR) published last April and prepared by consulting more than 7,000 business owners and managers from the 36 most powerful economies on the planet, Spanish business owners are the sixth most stressed in the world, and the second most stressed in Europe. Specifically, the increase in work-related stress in Spain is nine points higher than the global average (56%) .
The economic situation and workload are the most frequently cited causes by stressed Spanish businesspeople, in 47% and 25% of cases respectively, compared to other less frequently mentioned reasons such as future personal assets (14%) and personal conflicts in the office (11%).
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Stress: a disease
Increased heart rate, muscle tension, difficulty breathing or a noticeable decrease in defenses facilitating viral diseases are some of the most common symptoms that often indicate incapacity for work, leading to a high level of worry, causing difficulty in making decisions, or increasing the feeling of confusion . Consequently, each person who suffers from stress is paying a high price for their personal health, but the company they work for also pays a high cost, resulting in: absenteeism, staff turnover or fluctuation, and decreased physical performance.