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rs that have blossomed, in illustrations of the Milky Way, in art.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:22 am
by siam00
Website design and the golden ratio
Web resources created on the basis of the golden section are more convenient and easy to perceive. This formula is not always taken into account in website development, but most website templates and layouts are built on the golden section technique. Moreover, sometimes this formula is taken into account when creating a logo . Below is an example of a construction company logo, built by us on the principle of the golden section by the ratio of the sizes of the elements.

order logo development. logo construction according to golden whatsapp australia ratio

By the way, the principles of the golden section are often used when creating a guideline . This principle can be used to build a logo on a modular grid or the proportions of an advertising module in the press.


We will show you examples of use
1. Block arrangement
The golden section principle is used when a page needs to be divided into several blocks. There is a number for the mathematical proportion, it is equal to 1.618.

For example, your block is 600 pixels wide. This means:
• The height is: 600/1.618 = 370.8 px