Is it easy to find something on your site? If a visitor makes a mistake, make sure it’s easy for them to go back to the starting point, start over, and continue their work in a different way. Tip: Use the 404 error free philippine number for whatsapp page as an opportunity, not an error. Add a message to the user, suggest possible solutions to their problem.
10 Ways to Improve Usability.. Website Redesign and Redesign. Error Page 404
7. Do you help visitors complete actions without errors?
A well-thought-out design should prevent problems from arising by guiding the visitor to successful completion of an action, instantly detecting errors, and avoiding overly complex operations. For example, it was not for nothing that you ordered the creation of a logo – when clicking on the logo, the user should be taken to the main page of the site by default.
8. Do you help visitors correct mistakes they made?
People are prone to making mistakes, and if this happens, try to explain to them as simply as possible what went wrong and how they can successfully complete the selected action. Highlight the incorrectly filled fields in color.
Website design for an online store of building materials
The form filling page is open on the monitor on the right. Pay attention to the correctly and incorrectly filled fields.
9. Does the help on the site work?
Ideally, a visitor shouldn't need any special documentation or tutorials to successfully use your resource. But sometimes you need to provide help or customer support. Make these buttons easy to find and read. Focus on explaining the actions that visitors perform most often.
10. Is your website keeping up with your visitors or do you need a website redesign?
Your web project should be convenient and simple for new visitors, but at the same time improve it for regular users. Ideally, do this unnoticeably for newcomers. Listen to users and make changes to the resource so that any actions on the site are performed as naturally as possible.
Following the above tips will help visitors use your resource easily and with pleasure. Behavioral factors are extremely important for improving the site's position in search results and search engine optimization of the site . A happy visitor will spend more time on the site, and this in turn will help your business succeed.
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