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How is product marketing different from service marketing?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:17 am
by Irfanabdulla1111
If you want to create a marketing plan for a product company, you must first be clear about the differences between marketing and services.

While creating a marketing plan for a service company is very similar to creating a marketing plan for a product company, there are some differences you'll need to keep in mind.

There are five key factors that will allow you to know if what you are selling is a product or a service, and thus adjust your marketing plan:

Production and consumption.
We see them in detail.

1.- Tangibility
Tangibility is an adjective referring to something that can be touched and seems to be the most obvious difference between a product and a service.

While a product is tangible, a service is not.

When we talk about services, there is no room for stocks, not even patents, because it is something that cannot be touched or seen.

A restaurant offers you an experience like no other; you can tell it, but you can't show it to others.

Products have the advantage of being able to be displayed, admired, used and touched.

2.- Standardization
While products are all the same, that is, they are presented in a standard manner, services are heterogeneous, since they depend on the experiences of each consumer.

Let's go back to the example of restaurant service: not everyone will be served by the same waiter or eat the same dish of food; the experience will inevitably vary.

On the other hand, there is standardization among the products, even though they come from different lines.

3.- Production and consumption
In the case of products, production and consumption occur at two different times and there is even a risk that the product consumed is not the same as the one produced; accidents can even occur, such as in the case of the product breaking.

In the case of services, production and consumption occur at the same time and quality will vary depending on the consumer's perception; for example, a bad-tempered waiter may be disliked by the consumer and he or she may think that the entire service is terrible.

4.- Manipulation
Products are manipulable, whereas most services are not:

Products are eligible for returns.

The production of products can be massive and not all services can be offered on dubai filipino whatsapp group a general basis.

There are adjustments between supply and demand, so that more or less products are produced depending on this. Again, not all services are suitable for mass supply.

They differ in the design of distribution strategies.

Some services are a one-time experience and cannot be returned or mass produced.

5.- Perishables
While products can be stored and saved, it is impossible to do this with services.

For example, no one can save a car wash service, they can only keep the experience and the result of the clean car.