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The Christmas greeting that lost all its charm with email

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:29 am
by RafiRiFat336205
Once again, we are immersed in the traditional Christmas atmosphere, typical of these dates. There are those who consider that the annual lottery advertisement is the unequivocal sign that Christmas has arrived. Others, however, are influenced from the moment they receive the first Christmas card. The problem is that perhaps new trends are putting an end to its true charm.

We all know how the Internet and new technologies have changed our lives. Now, paper has taken a backseat. And I'm not just saying this because of the media. You only have to check your email every morning at this time of year and you'll see how a real avalanche of Christmas greetings floods in. Friends, contacts, companies, websites... the number of emails in the form of Christmas greetings can be even greater than the number of spam emails.

This fact has become a real problem, and for different reasons, lack of time and excess of information, digital greetings have become the new terror of inboxes. This year I have lost count. 50, 100, 200...? The number of greetings received through my email has been simply impressive. One might be happy to think that everyone remembers him, but no. We already know how it works. Mailing lists and contact lists are used for such bombardment, often not even in a personalized way.

Yes, it's all very well to say Merry Christmas and take 11-digit phone number format philippines advantage of this to do a bit of branding. How good we are and how many of us remember everyone. It's Christmas! The problem is that like myself, and surely many others, we end up resorting to the widespread practice of deleting such emails without even examining their content, and that over the years and such practices have been stigmatized as irrelevant, uninteresting and somewhat boring. Nothing new on the horizon.

Okay, yes. It is nice that people and companies dedicate their time and resources to foster the Christmas spirit, but it is now impossible to distinguish between those who really remember you and those whose actions only correspond to a simple branding, email marketing or advertising strategy.

You already know that Christmas is here, but raise your hand if you really miss those traditional greeting cards with special occasions and golden and shiny colours that arrived signed by hand and that we used to place on our desk or desk. Back then you had the feeling of being really important and a bit special. Maybe, in a practical way, we were just a simple client to whom you wish Christmas, but what about that charm?

Not even social media, where we can always feel close to those far away and congratulate them in a more personal way, is enough to reward those emotions and traditions of yesteryear. This year, my work desk remains empty once again. Meanwhile, my email and inbox are saturated with so much happiness that each message ends up forgotten, passing through it without pain or glory.

That said, and after this brief reflection, I take this moment and the curiosity that brought you here to wish you a Merry Christmas.